The Arrival of Everett

Everett Robert was born a little earlier than expected at 37 weeks on Feb. 21 at 743am. He weighed a whopping 5 lb. 10 oz. Lol. We are all doing well and so in love with our little peanut.  

So I had an interesting birthing event! I had an early labour lasting a week. It started on Feb 15 when I woke up thinking I was just constipated. Nope! Went to the hospital just to make sure and I was admitted since I was already 4 cm dilated and 100% effaced! Everyone there was surprised I was that far along since I was still chatting and laughing and didn’t seem in labour. I just felt slight cramping and that was about it. But after 4 hours no progress was made so I was sent home. 

Then for about a week I was having regular surges some stronger than others. I thought a couple times this was it and time to go back but they faded out. So it wasn’t until the early morning of Feb 21st that they became strong enough to go back. We got to the hospital and I strolled in telling the nurses “I think I’m in active labour” and sure enough I was 10 cm dilated!!! Lol. They were all surprised again since I wasn’t freaking out and seemed so “in control” which I account to my hypnobirthing relaxation exercises and approaching the birth in a happy and excited manner, not in a fearful way. 

Everyone seemed to be giving birth that morning so we started in the assessment room and then I moved to the bathroom to practice my birth breathing. I used the toilet and did squats which led to my water breaking. Then my surges got more intense and I knew it was so close. I kept doing my birth breathing but then things took a turn and the baby’s heart rate was getting low. So, we had to get the baby out ASAP. I was moved to an actual labour room and after 7 attempts with the vacuum and an episiotomy (ugh), Everett was born.

It wasn’t the way I wanted him to come into the world… but I think he was just so tired from the week long labour that he needed to get out fast. And even with the complication at the end I was able to stay focused and deal with the events as they came. The whole birthing phase in the hospital was only about 5 hours. So that was pretty good for my first pregnancy. 

Marie, thanks so much for teaching me the hypnobirthing techniques and philosophy! I was able to utilize them fairly well for my first pregnancy and hope to even more if I have any other kids 🙂 

written by Stephanie W.

You might enjoy reading more stories from my students and get inspired by their calm & gentle births. Find them here – – – >>

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