Pregnancy Gratitude Affirmations

The energy of appreciation is one of the sweetest and most positive out there.  It has the power to lift us out of a funk, and to help us celebrate our lives just as they are.

And let’s face it – there are aspects of pregnancy that can get you down; worries, swollen feet, sore tummy and the list goes on and on…

Print out the picture below and put it up in your bathroom – in a place when you’ll see if often and let these thoughts shift your focus and lift you up!

Or simply let these phrases follow through your mind as you get ready in the morning or as you drive to work.

  • I appreciate the changes taking place in my body.
  • I’m grateful for the new life forming within me.
  • I accept and appreciate the love and support that surrounds me.
  • I’m grateful for the medical care providers who listen to my wishes and collaborate with me to ensure a healthy pregnancy for me and my baby.
  • I give thanks for this pregnancy.
  • I give thanks for the chance to be a mother.


ps. Want to lift your spirits even more? Check out my new pregnancy relaxation album.

Want to Uplevel Your Pregnancy Wellbeing?

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