When and how does a baby’s spirit come to earth?
Conception, pregnancy, and birth are often described as magical experiences. One moment, there is only one person, and then suddenly there are two. My curiosity about the spiritual aspects of our existence is boundless, and I believe there is profound wisdom in many of our religious and spiritual traditions from around the world.
Perhaps you share this curiosity—wondering about spirit babies and these new souls arriving on our planet. Do they choose us? Are our paths predestined? Or is it all a matter of chance?
When does life begin? This question eludes a definitive medical answer and is deeply spiritual at its core. Does life start with the first breath, as stated in Genesis? Or perhaps with the first heartbeat, the first time you feel a baby move, or at conception?
Global Spiritual Perspectives

I have asked priests, midwives, spiritual teachers, yoga gurus, and many others about how this process might occur. Despite the diversity of their answers, a shared belief emerges: that we are more than our body and mind—that each of us is a spiritual or cosmic being having a human experience. A common theme in these discussions is the idea of a greater wisdom that pairs a certain baby with certain parents or a parent.
Some traditions believe that God chooses the baby for the parents, while others see it as the baby’s choice. Still, others believe there is a collaboration between God and the soul of the baby, selecting the parents together.
The Soul’s Purpose and Selection

Once a soul is destined for earthly incarnation, the first step is connecting with a parent or set of parents, based on the soul’s purpose. If two souls have been together before, they may choose to relive that experience or switch roles. Sometimes, the soul chooses a specific location for incarnation.
This connection to potential parents is visible to those sensitive enough to perceive it. Clairvoyants often report seeing baby spirits before conception in their parents’ aura and even communicate with these spirit babies.
There are many stories about people seeing and communicating with spirit babies. Walter Makichen, a medium or clairvoyant, spent much of his work focusing on these spirit babies and connecting parents with their unborn children. In his book Spirit Babies: How to Communicate with the Child You’re Meant to Have, he shares stories from his thirty-year practice and offers practices for connecting with your spirit baby before conception or during pregnancy.
Dreams and Children’s Insights

One mama shared a story where, early in her pregnancy, she dreamt of a teenage girl and boy asking her which one should come first. She replied, “Whatever they thought was best.” Though she felt certain she was having a girl, she ended up having a boy first, followed by a girl two years later.
Many women share dreams about their future children. One woman dreamt of having a baby boy before deciding to start a family, feeling reassured by the dream. Another mama, after miscarrying a boy, had a daughter who, at three years old, said she had been in her tummy before, first as a boy, then choosing to return as a girl. These stories reflect the belief in spirit babies and the soul of the baby choosing its parents.
Young children often speak of choosing their parents or experiences before birth. Donna’s son, at three, said he chose her from a group of women. Ashley’s daughter, also at three, shared she had been a boy before deciding to come back as a girl.
The Spiritual Importance of Conception

Conception is considered a deeply significant moment in many religious traditions, marking the spiritual connection between the soul and the physical seed that will grow into a new human being. Some traditions even speak of helpers guiding this process. In the Jewish tradition, for example, Lailah, the Angel of Conception, brings each soul and the human seed together inside the womb, guiding the spirit baby toward birth.
This also explains the mysterious indentation on our upper lip. Two things stand out to me in this story:
1. The idea that all knowledge is within us, but forgotten, similar to the Jungian collective unconscious.

2. The belief that our soul understands our cosmic nature more than we do on earth.

Pregnancy is a transformative time, both physically and spiritually. One of the most beautiful depictions of this is in the children’s book Before You Were Born by Howard Schwartz, which retells the story of Lailah and highlights the spiritual journey of spirit babies as they develop inside the womb.
A Special In-Between Time

Pregnancy seems to be an in-between time, where the baby is connected to both the spirit world and the physical world. Many traditions believe that during this period, the soul is preparing for its life. In his book, Walter Makichen describes how spirit babies use this time to process past experiences that will shape their upcoming life.
In the Sikh tradition, a celebration occurs on the one hundred and twentieth day after conception, marking when the baby’s spirit becomes more attached to its physical body. During the first trimester, the baby exists mostly energetically, with the spirit baby’s connection to its earthly form strengthening as the fetus develops, while still focusing on spiritual tasks. Each soul is believed to come into the world with a purpose, and during pregnancy, the spirit baby’s energy focuses on creating a new physical body.
Deepening Your Connection

As a mother, you are a co-creator in this process, and spirit babies often provide guidance to create the best conditions for their development. Many mothers share experiences of receiving messages from their unborn babies during quiet moments or meditation. One mother was urged to drink more water, while another visualized a glowing orb around herself and her baby to manage stress.
If you want to deepen your connection with your baby’s soul, Here’s a guided meditation to help you do just that.
Science supports the idea that unborn babies are highly receptive to their parents’ attention. Both intuitives and fetology researchers confirm that spirit babies, as conscious beings, are aware and eager to interact. Love, an essential element in spiritual traditions, helps the soul of the baby flourish.
The Power of Love

Love is crucial because it’s the highest frequency we can hold as beings. Spirit babies, coming from the soul realm, naturally vibrate at a high energetic frequency. During pregnancy, if the mother is in a state of high anxiety or stress, it can lower her vibrational energy.
I experienced the power of love firsthand about ten years ago when I spent a weekend with a medium to enhance my intuition. Using dowsing rods, which detect subtle energy shifts, the medium demonstrated how fear shrinks our energy field, while love expands and harmonizes it.
Creating a Safe Birth Space

During labor, a mother’s energy is open and sensitive, making her attuned to the atmosphere in the delivery room. The father’s role is to protect and support, filling the space with energy that makes her feel safe, loved, and secure. This helps her stay connected with her body and spirit baby for the birth process.
A simple prayer to create a safe birth space involves imagining a strong cord connecting you to the earth and divine, calling on God or angels for protection, guidance, and light.
Birth is a spiritually significant event, marking the transition when the spirit baby leaves the spirit world to enter the earthly body. This transition can be daunting, and the reassurance of the mother and loved ones helps. One example is a grandfather, who, during his daughter-in-law’s labor, shared his love with his unborn grandchild, aiding the baby’s transition.
Miscarriage and Infant Loss

Spirit babies are dual citizens, inhabiting both the spirit world and the physical realm during pregnancy. If a pregnancy ends, the spirit baby does not experience the loss of a body and identity as we would. They simply return to the spirit realm and await the next opportunity to join the human family. If you or someone you know has experienced a loss, I hope this idea brings some comfort.
Embracing Love and Oxytocin

Love and oxytocin play key roles during pregnancy and birth. Oxytocin, the love hormone, is released in large quantities during labor, making the process more effective, less painful, and spiritually supportive for both the mother and spirit baby. It helps the baby’s transition and maintains their high vibrational energy.
My mission is to help mothers guide their spirit babies to Earth with love and grace. I’ve created a prenatal meditation playlist on YouTube to help release stress, enhance well-being, and foster love. If you’re pregnant, check out my guided meditations.
Whether you’re pro-choice or pro-life, we all want cherished and wanted pregnancies. Instead of outlawing abortion, we need accessible birth control, education, and solutions for issues like poverty, hunger, and lack of healthcare.
If you’d like more spirit-related videos, let me know. Let’s create a loving, harmonious environment for the baby spirits coming to our planet.
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