Living from the Heart

heart-web“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Basically, it means that whatever is strongest inside you – whatever is most abundant – shows up in what you say, how you act and what you do.

What does the way you talk and behave say about what’s in your heart?

Body : tangible physical presence in the word

Mind : attitude, thought, determines what you think and feel.

Spirit : core heart…. determines who you are

Unless this three are functioning in sync or in harmony we can’t experience total wellness!  My challenge for you today is to pay attention to what’s happening inside you on these three levels.  And if you do, you will notice that they are all interconnected. Notice also what you are creating.   All of us are continuing creating and co-creating with others, our experiences and responses.  Much of this process is done unconsciously.  And I truly believe if we bring even a little bit more awareness to this process, we would start to create something really in tune with our spirit. In addition if the heart/spirit is in a good place all the rest seems to flow.  Have you ever noticed this?  So how do you nourish and care for your spirit?    Food for thought?

So I’m off create consciously create my day – and I’m starting with some gratitude prayer to keep my spirit in a good place.  How about you?


ps. There are lots and lots time I look back on the last day or last couple hours and think…geez  that sure wasn’t how I wanted things to go, or that wasn’t how I wanted to respond… but here’s the good news. Every moment we get to start again.  The question is always… what would love do now?

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