Introducting DoTERRA Essential Oils for Health

I always discover something great at the annual HypnoBirthing conference.  This year it was essential oils.  Did you know?Lavender leaf and EO

  • Oregano oil (*CPTG)  is a wonderful oil to use for immune system support.
  • Lavender oil (*CPTG) can be used to helping the skin to recover quickly.
  • Melaleuca oil (*CPTG) commonly known as tea tree can aide with building a healthy immune system and protection against environment threats.
  • Breathe oil (*CPTG) can help with respiratory support.
  • Lemon oil (*CPTG) makes the best household cleaner and with coupled with Grapefruit oil (*CPTG) and Cinnamon oil (*CPTG) can aid in weight control.

Note: *CPTG stands for Certified Pure Tested Grade. I cannot speak for any other oil brands out there. Most have additives and are not as concentrated or powerful and are not safe for ingestion (when necessary) as DoTERRA’s CPTG oils are.

Although there are good essential oils available to consumers, many products claiming to be essential oils often are not pure aromatic extracts and often contain fillers and non-aromatic compounds. Furthermore, there are no current regulatory standards for products labeled as essential oils. The CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® mark represents dōTERRA’s own internal standards for sourcing and testing 100% pure aromatic botanical extracts using independent laboratory analysis. The dōTERRA brand and registered CPTG mark represent dōTERRA’s guarantee of 100% pure essential oil extracts that meet high standards for both purity and material composition and for accurate product labeling.

Lots of people find that these essential oils smell so much better than other essential oils on the market that claim to be therapeutic grade.   Did you know that aroma is an excellent indication of true purity. A 100% pure essential oil will elicit powerful emotional responses and will not be overbearing in any one note. Many people have described dōTERRA’s CPTG essential oils as “sweet” or “extremely pleasing fragrances”. This is because when plants are grown in a region in which it is indigenous, with proper nutritive soil conditions, air quality, weather/moisture, are harvested at the right time and carefully distilled, the essential oil extract will be pure and of the highest quality, thus having a fragrance that exceeds that of oils that have been diluted or synthetically produced. Unfortunately, there are many essential oils on the market that claim to be “therapeutic grade”, “100% pure”, or “100% natural” that do not follow strict standards for purity and potency. The best way for a consumer to know the quality and value of any product is to experience it for themselves.

And that’s DoTERRA total marketing campaign – open the bottle and we believe you will be impressed.  I definitely was and still am today.

So ready to learn more?

Much more to learn!  I truly believe that having these oils in your home would bless your life.  They simply help keep us and our families healthier.  And I would love to teach how they can do that.

The Pyjama Class Series!  
Enjoy learning about essential oils in the comfort of your home – even in your pyjamas!  So many of you have mentioned that you wish to attend an essential oils class but you aren’t able to leave the house in the evening because of childcare issues.  So I decided to launch a set of online evening classes for the month of June.  I’ll be using a great program called GoToMeetings to do this.  If you wish to participate in the online classes you’ll need click on the link provided below the class at the appropriate time.  You’ll be directly to a window in your internet browser where you will be able to view the meeting.  Not at your computer? Click the link to join this meeting from your iPhone®, iPad® or Android® device via the GoToMeeting app.  It works awesome.  🙂

Essential Skin Care class :  New Date to be Announced

Join us Essential Skin Care presentation while we learn how doTERRA Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils ( nature’s pure essential oil extracts) and the latest advances in skin care scientific development can help keep your skin feeling and looking young, healthy and gorgeous.  This skin care line includes cutting edge technologies which complement the essential oils in targeting the visible signs of both cellular and mechanical aging.

Bathroom Vanity Make-Over: Now viewable on YouTube

Learn how to use nature’s alternatives to help assist with your health. Essential oils are safe, effective and often cheaper.  This class will go over the basics of essential oils and look at the 10 oils that really make a difference in your home.   Click here to view


Essential Oils for Mood Management:  NOW viewable on YouTube

Class Details : How to use essential oils to help decrease worry and anxiety feelings and other mood management tips.  Yes it’s possible to change the way you feel because of something that you smell.  Smells are processed in the brain very quickly and with pure therapeutic essential oils the molecules are small enough to bypass the blood-brain barrier and reach down at the cellular level to create more wellbeing.  Explore the science behind how essential oils stimulate and create changes in brain function which in turns affect your mood and how you feel.


Keeping Babies and Kids Healthy: NOW viewable on YouTube

Class Details : Learn how to use essential oils to deal with some of the common matters that little ones experience.  Super practical information for helping your little one!

Click here to watch the class on YouTube


If you enjoyed reading this post, you might also enjoy these two articles.

Using Essential Oils for Labour and Birth

Using essential oils during your labour can be a wonderful way to support what your body is doing in a gentle and holistic way.  During birth there is truly a lot going on, at every level : physically, emotionally, mentally and even spiritually.  I love  essential oils because they help on each level and give the body, mind and  spirit tools to help regain balance.  There are two main ways to use essential oils in labour :  Keep Reading

Can what’s on the shelves in your bathroom hurt you?

 Here is the curious answer.  QUITE POSSIBLY.  You simply can’t assume safety testing on any personal care products.  Why is that?   Well currently, Health Canada does not require any company to prove that their product is safe by any independent testing before it hits the market.  Researchers have to proof something is unsafe before it gets pulled off the shelves.  That’s why bisphenol A was common in baby bottles for years until enough research showed that it is harmful.   The makers of bisphenal A never needed to prove that it was safe before they added to products.  Doesn’t that seem backwards to you?  It sure does to me.  Keep Reading



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