Slider1Frequently Asked Questions

What is HypnoBirthing®?

HypnoBirthing® is a complete childbirth education program. HypnoBirthing® teaches you to enter a totally relaxed state and allows you to experience the contractions of childbirth as pressure or tightening rather than pain. Because of this distinction we call contractions surges.
HypnoBirthing’s philosophy believes that birth doesn’t have to hurt, muscles doing their job properly do not hurt and the uterus is just one giant muscle, therefore a labouring woman doesn’t need to feel pain, as much of the cause is psychological rather than physiological.


“As a doula I am always excited to work with Hypnobirthing couples. Marie does such of fine job of infusing all of us with her joy and faith in birth that it is a pleasure to attend her classes. I can attest to the fact that women who practice the techniques from Marie’s classes have beautiful births. I always feel so lucky to have been present – I want to shout “Take Marie’s class!” to every pregnant woman I know. In addition to all the great stories and videos, the exercises from Hypnobirthing classes are especially valuable because they can be used in every moment of our lives to reduce tension and increase bliss!”  Karen Harriot, Regina doula with over 16 experience.

How Can the Pain of Labor Be Psychological?

Fear stimulates the production of adrenaline, adrenaline causes the uterus to tense and blood to flow to the extremities leaving the uterus with insufficient oxygen, this in turn causes the pain commonly felt during a contraction. To remove fear is to remove pain. In HypnoBirthing® you will be taught to experience a “surge” rather than a contraction, you will be working with nature, not against it, in a calm and fearless state of mind.


“Thank you Marie for changing our way of thinking and helping us to have that great birthing experience that we’ve always wanted.” ~Jill Brown, mom to Julianne


Can Anybody Do It?

Yes! With time, patience and practice HypnoBirthing® will work for anyone. Some may find they are more susceptible and may find that the effects are much stronger for them, but HypnoBirthing® can benefit anyone!



What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis a naturally induced state of relaxed concentration-a state of mind and body in which we communicate suggestions to our subconscious mind. This part of our mind influences what we think, how we feel, and the choices we make. There is no magic to achieving success with self-hypnosis. Almost anyone who chooses to can reach deep relaxation and redirected focus.


Will I Still Be In Control?

Yes! Lots of people worry that HypnoBirthing® will be similar to stage hypnosis or that seen on TV where people are made to impersonate chickens and the like. The fact of the matter is, with HypnoBirthing® you are in complete control, nobody can make you do anything you do not want to do and you will remain lucid throughout the whole of your birth experience, just very very calm.



Will It Still Benefit Me If I Have A Medically Necessary Induction or Cesarean Section?

Yes! HypnoBirthing® isn’t just about natural, drug-free, vaginal births, it can be used for any type of birth experience! It is wonderful at helping prepare you for the birth itself, but the benefits do not end there. HypnoBirthing® can help you experience a happier, more relaxed pregnancy, will help with bonding with the baby, with breastfeeding and with life after the birth.


When Should I Start?

Ideally you should start as soon as possible. Often 28 weeks is the recommended start time, but you can start sooner or later. The sooner you start, the longer you have to practice.

“Thanks again for providing us to be moms with a class that alleviates the fear of childbirth. That was my one major obstacle and I’m so glad to have been a part of your class and hypnobirthing in general. I feel confident, relaxed, prepared, and excited to work with my baby and my body to have a birth we will both cherish.” ~Brandi Prpick, mom to Julia

Does My Partner Have to Come Too?

Ideally your partner will come with you. HypnoBirthing® is designed to be taught to couples. Although, this could also be a female friend or relative. If you have already hired a professional labour companion, known as a doula, she is welcome attend the class with you at no extra charge. Many of the doulas in our area have already taken the class and recommend it to their clients.


If I Learn HypnoBirthing® Am I Guaranteed a Pain Free Labour?

70-80% of HypnoBirthing® moms give birth and feel comfortable enough that they have no need for pain relief at all. A further 10-15% only use milder forms of pain relief. One thing is for sure though, even if you do require some form of pharmaceutical pain relief, your birth will definitely be calmer and more positive!