Motherhood is a beautiful journey, but it’s easy to fall into the trap of chasing milestones—believing happiness will come after the next big moment. Whether it’s waiting for your baby […]
Are you making these prenatal bonding mistakes? Did you know that prenatal bonding can lead to a healthier, happier start for both you and your baby? A strong connection during […]
How To Create A Harmonious Relationship with Your Parents and In-Laws As They Become Grandparents Dear Expectant Mama, As you embark on this incredible journey towards motherhood, there’s a beautiful […]
When Is The Ideal Time For Your Newborn To Have Their Very First Bath? It’s true, when babies first come out into the world, they are a bit gooey – […]
After years of leading guided relaxations in my prenatal yoga classes, many of my students asked for a version they could listen to at home. Those heartfelt requests lead me to […]
What if there was something that you could do for yourself and for your family to help them be and stay healthy? Right now is the prefect time to […]
As my children have grown, they are now ages, 6, 8 and 10, I have felt increasing pressure to overschedule them. Part of this is coming from me. I LOVE […]
In my line of work, I come across a fair number of reflections about motherhood, and while I enjoy most of them, this one remains my favourite. I’m deeply grateful […]
Did you know – recent studies are showing that kids are losing touch with nature. Yet when children were given the opportunity to be out in nature all kinds of […]
I clearly remember the moment I first encountered loving kindness meditation. Laying on the floor of an unfamiliar yoga studio in a new city back in 2000 – the instructor […]
Listening to your baby cry is hard. Not just math equation problem hard… gut-wenching soul-cracking hard. And the crazy thing is that their cries are designed to invoke that reaction […]
So often people think of using a doula only for birth, however a doula can also provide a lot of really good support during that initial postpartum period. I asked […]
One of the moms in my community emailed me today and asked if I had tips for dealing with sibling jealousy following the birth of a new baby. Here’s the […]
From piggy banks to retirement funds… teaching our kids to manage their money is just one more of the many perks of being a parent. When you see the sophisticated […]
Since becoming a mom I often feel that my time and attention are being pulled in many directions. The kids demand, rather than ask for my attention and are honestly […]