Today’s Guest Post is by Alanna Bergquist. This journey of inner development is wonderful. Hope you are as inspired as I am. Marie ********************************************************** I’ve come to a place in […]
Holistic Living
“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Basically, it means that whatever is strongest inside you – whatever is most abundant – shows up in what you […]
Here is the curious answer. QUITE POSSIBLY. You simply can’t assume safety testing on any personal care products. Why is that? Well currently, Health Canada does not require any company […]
So as many of you know I am currently reading “Death by Rubber Duck“, which is a fascinating book written by two Canadian researchers in Montreal, who studied the amount […]
The desire to bring more enjoyment into life and less stress is one that we universally share. Here is a simple yet powerful way to do just that. Think back […]
This came across my desk today and it’s too good not to share. Marie Remember that this is the first time in over 6000 years that women have had the […]
This question has gained a fair amount of attention recently when a group of moms in the United States launched a lawsuit against Proctor and Gamble, the makers of pampers. […]
I just wanted to post this in the hopes that some of you may want to share in sending out some positive healing energy for this great tragedy. Thank you […]
What if I told you that there is a supplement that you can take after your baby’s birth that would ensure a good milk supply, reduce your post-partum bleeding from […]
Your baby has arrived! Congratulations! Life will never quite be the same. It’s a huge transition. Especially with that first baby. But still true with second, third and subsequent children. […]
This message comes from my Hypnobirthing collegue’s friend Merrill Wilcox. I believe she raises some very good points about the realities of the situation in Haiti and what we can […]
The quest for balance as a mom isn’t something that I find very easy. Usually in an attempt to meet everyone needs, I end up ignoring my own. I forget […]
Ok. So I don’t normally blog about products but this one is just so great that I’m gonna! The Diva Cup. It’s this silicon cup made right here in Canada […]
Have you even gotten sucked into the myth of the Perfect Mother whose kids meet all the benchmarks on time? It’s so easy to do. We all want to do […]
A friend sent me this inspirational thought today and I thought I would share it with all of you. I know it helps me to remember that some contraction is […]