My “guess date” was August 23rd and I was optimistically hoping to deliver the baby a week early (although Hazel had other plans!). My midwife told me that usually, first […]
Birth Stories
We had been planning a home birth but to our disappointment we were told that we couldn’t have a home birth on the weekend as only one midwife is on […]
My guess date was April 5th, but I had convinced myself I’d be early, about a week. I had this notion that 2nd pregnancies usually come earlier. I was staying […]
Avista is my second daughter but my first baby using the methodology Marie teaches. To demonstrate the night and day experiences between her birth and my first daughter, Indeka’s, I’ll […]
My wish for a Mother’s Day baby came and went, and I woke up the next morning six days postdate. I was extremely excited to finally meet our baby and […]
At 4 days postdate I was starting to get a bit antsy waiting for baby to arrive. Wednesday was an emotional day for me. So that evening I decided to […]