
225 posts

Sakoda’s Birth Story

You are probably familiar with the expression “in the zone”. This is often used to describe a flow state. Psychologists define the flow state as a feeling where you become […]

Lily’s Birth Story

Lily finally arrived yesterday morning at 11:01am. She weighed 7lbs, 10oz and was born perfectly healthy.  I’m not sure when labour really started, but my surges were about 10 minutes […]

Hazel’s Birth

My “guess date” was August 23rd and I was optimistically hoping to deliver the baby a week early (although Hazel had other plans!). My midwife told me that usually, first […]

A Journey to Myself

Today’s Guest Post is by Alanna Bergquist.  This journey of inner development is wonderful.  Hope you are as inspired as I am. Marie ********************************************************** I’ve come to a place in […]