Rachel Paige’s Birth Story After staying a week past her predicted arrival date, Rachel decided she was ready to join the world and she wanted to get here fast…. I […]
Lately, I’ve been chatting with pregnant woman, doulas, new moms and other HypnoBirthing instructors about how sometimes HypnoBirthing women are very quiet and still in labour, yet others move and […]
I clearly remember the moment I first encountered loving kindness meditation. Laying on the floor of an unfamiliar yoga studio in a new city back in 2000 – the instructor […]
My first labour was only 4 1/2 hours long and although I decided beforehand that I would have an epidural, there was no time and my daughter was born naturally […]
The first step in changing I am going to try to breastfeed into breastfeeding is to acknowledge that breastfeeding IS the biological norm of babies and mothers. Breastfeeding is […]
The last couple weeks of April were stressful for my husband and I as he was very busy at work and we were convinced this baby would come early and […]
Listening to your baby cry is hard. Not just math equation problem hard… gut-wenching soul-cracking hard. And the crazy thing is that their cries are designed to invoke that reaction […]
VBAC = Vaginal Birth After Cesarean If you have had a c-section, it is still possible to have a vaginal birth. In fact the rates of a successful VBACs are […]
Are The Bible Teachings and HypnoBirthing Complementary? Can I be a true Christian applying Jesus’ teachings and use HypnoBirthing for my baby’s birth? The answer is a resounding yes. At […]
Feeling deeply supported during labour is one of the hallmarks of a satisfying birth experience. Choosing who is going to provide that support is an important process. I ALWAYS advocate […]
After creating the post about Prenatal Yoga poses, my students keep asking for a similar post with the yoga moves that we typically do in the mom and baby yoga […]
If you are close to your due date, chances are that someone or perhaps everyone seems to be asking you this question. But how really does anyone prepare for a […]
So often people think of using a doula only for birth, however a doula can also provide a lot of really good support during that initial postpartum period. I asked […]
I love the title of this slideshow. Dream is a great and powerful word. It speaks to the stories that we tell ourselves, while we are asleep and while we […]
Jessica is our second child, Andrew is my oldest child and he will be three in October. His birth was fantastic also so I will tell you about his first. […]