Our cultural narrative around birth is scary and negative. But positive births do exist and each time you read one, you build trust in your body. In that spirit, here is […]
Marie Berwald
How many uses can I find for the Aromatouch Diffused Set? So you’re looking at essential oils, but maybe you’re not really sure if they are right for you. My […]
Only between 4-6% of babies are both on their due dates! So it’s much more likely that you will have your baby on some other day. That’s why I prefer […]
Why is Protein SO Important in Pregnancy? The amino acids found in proteins form the basic building blocks for cell development. You use protein every day of your life to […]
“The birth was the most beautiful and empowering time I will ever have in my life.” ~Laura England Myla Grace Myla Grace entered our world at 10:51am on April 3rd. […]
The energy of appreciation is one of the sweetest and most positive out there. It has the power to lift us out of a funk, and to help us celebrate […]
This is truly the one blog post that I wish there was no need for, but if you arrived here it’s because it happened and you are now looking for […]
Go ahead… pamper yourself. Not only do you deserve it (you ARE, after all, growing another human being completely from scratch), it’s also good for you! Taking care of yourself […]
After years of leading guided relaxations in my prenatal yoga classes, many of my students asked for a version they could listen to at home. Those heartfelt requests lead me to […]
Let’s face it – we are all busy. And sometimes we are so busy taking care of everyone else that we forget to take care of ourselves. Between work and […]
Most of us instinctively know that sleep is important, but just how important surprised me. I wonder if it will surprise you too. Last month, I have the privilege of […]
This year, my family and I moved to France for one fun-filled year of adventure. We found a great house for rent in Alsace, one of France’s wine regions. This […]
Diffusing essential oils in my home is one of my favourite parts of everyday. I love choosing a blend that will make my house smell beautiful and at the same […]
What if there was something that you could do for yourself and for your family to help them be and stay healthy? Right now is the prefect time to […]
When pregnant there are so many decisions that you make on a daily basis in order to keep your baby safe and healthy. New emerging research is now finding that […]