This came across my desk today. It’s funny in a very tongue and cheek kind of way. Anyone who has ever felt torn by the whole Cry It Out debate […]
Marie Berwald
230 posts
The Two WolvesOne evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us […]
I have long been a supporter of natural birth, but even closer to my heart is humane, gentle, and loving birth. To me, the most important part to remember is […]
I found this short video showing the results of Dr. Masuro Emoto’s work about the wisdom of water. How many of you already know about this? Since we are 70% […]
Hello everyone, Welcome to my blog! Thank you for visiting. I’m hoping that this will be a great place where we can share thoughts and ideas about pregnancy, birth and […]