Have you ever found yourself wondering during pregnancy if you’ll be a good mom?
Discovering early signs of pregnancy is an exciting and life-changing time. As your journey unfolds, you might wonder if you’ll be a good mom. The good news? Many small actions and feelings during pregnancy can point to a healthy pregnancy and your natural readiness for motherhood. In this guide, we’ll explore 7 Pregnancy Signs That You’ll Be A Good Mom—from nurturing instincts to building a support system.
1. You think about your baby A LOT
One of my prenatal yoga gals said this week:
“Pregnancy feels so all-consuming. Sometimes I wonder what I even thought about before.”
If you can relate, and thoughts about your baby are filling your mind, it’s a great sign!
Psychologically, it shows you’re preparing for this big life change.
2. You’ve been making changes in your life to better support your pregnancy
One key trait of a good mom is the ability to adapt and respond to their child’s needs.
If you’ve already made changes in your life during this pregnancy—like:
- Eating healthier
- Avoiding second-hand smoke
- Watching videos about having a healthy pregnancy
- Stopping alcohol or cannabis use
- Getting more rest
These are signs you’re willing to change for your baby’s well-being. And when your baby arrives, you’ll keep adapting to support them.
3. You’re curious about pregnancy, babies, and this whole transition into motherhood, and you want to learn more!
Are you noticing pregnancy signs like seeking information—talking to people, reading books, or watching videos?
These are great indicators of a healthy pregnancy and your willingness to learn and grow.
Motherhood isn’t about figuring it all out at once—it’s a journey of listening to your intuition, trying new things, learning from mistakes, and responding to your unique child.
The fact that you’re open to learning now shows you have a growth mindset, which is so important.
This transition will stretch you, but your willingness to learn and stay informed will help you thrive as a mom!
4. You are taking care of yourself – your body and your emotional health
Being a new mom is challenging.
Physically, there’s breastfeeding, sleepless nights, and endless babyholding.
Emotionally, it’s a mix of hormones, joy, and tears.
If you’re already noticing early signs of pregnancy and taking care of your health now, that’s a great sign! It shows you’re setting the foundation to care for yourself and your baby.
Your physical and mental health will continue to impact your baby’s well-being, so prioritizing self-care now is key.
To help, I’ve created a free 5-minute self-care morning ritual, Mellow Mornings for Pregnancy, to bring positivity and self-love into your day.
5. You are navigating uncertainty, building emotional resilience, and developing problem-solving skills
Pregnancy comes with its share of challenges—expected and unexpected.
If you’ve noticed signs of pregnancy like morning sickness, body changes, aches, or emotional ups and downs, and you’re actively finding solutions, that’s a great sign of a healthy pregnancy.
Each time you adapt or solve a problem, you’re building resilience, problem-solving skills, and a bank of resources.
These skills will be so helpful as a new mom when you face the unpredictable moments of caring for your baby!
6. You touch your belly a LOT!
Noticing early signs of pregnancy, like touching your belly, is a great sign you’re starting to bond with your baby.
That nurturing instinct is a hallmark of a good mom. While having a little person growing inside you might feel strange at first, feeling protective and excited to connect with your baby over time is a wonderful sign.
Good moms are tuned in to their babies, and that bond often begins during pregnancy.
If you’re already rubbing your belly, talking to your baby, or daydreaming about them, it shows a healthy emotional attachment is forming. Check my 10 Fun and Easy Ways to Connect with Your Baby Prenatally!
You are willing to ask for help!
As they say, “It takes a village.”
Motherhood isn’t meant to be done alone, and recognizing this is a key part of being a good mom.
If you’re noticing pregnancy signs and already asking for help—from your partner, family, friends, or healthcare providers—it’s a great sign of a healthy pregnancy and your readiness for motherhood.
Being willing to seek support shows you understand the importance of a strong support system, which is essential for navigating the joys and challenges ahead.
You’ve got what it takes to be an amazing mom to your little one!
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- Grab Mellow Mornings for Pregnancy for a calm start to your day filled with baby love 💖 https://get.birthbliss.ca/mellow-mornings/
- Get relief from pregnancy nausea! 🤢 → 😌 Discover the Bye–Bye Morning Sickness Formula: https://get.birthbliss.ca/bye-byemorningsickness/
- Find Connection Inside BLOOMFUL. 🌸 Join a community of expecting moms just like you, exploring holistic tools for a better pregnancy. https://get.birthbliss.ca/bloomful/
- Grab the Guide to an Easier Birth 🌟: https://get.birthbliss.ca/bb/
- Join our FREE → ❤️ LOVE Your Birth Workshop: You’ll learn 3 steps to ease pain during labor (without an epidural): https://get.birthbliss.ca/training/