10 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Fatigue

10 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Fatigue - Birth Bliss

Understanding Pregnancy Fatigue

During pregnancy, fatigue goes beyond ordinary tiredness, especially during the first trimester. To reduce pregnancy fatigue, understanding ultradian rhythms is key. These natural cycles, which regulate periods of activity and rest, are essential for managing exhaustion effectively. Ignoring these rhythms can lead to even lower energy levels. Pregnancy increases the need for more frequent and deeper rest to combat fatigue.

By honoring ultradian rhythms, expectant mothers can reduce pregnancy fatigue by tapping into the Ultradian Healing Response, which promotes cellular rejuvenation and mental refreshment. Prioritizing rest is essential not only for improving overall health during pregnancy but also for enhancing sleep quality, helping to counter common disturbances.

Feeling exhausted during pregnancy is completely normal, but there are ways to fight the fatigue! Here are 10 pregnancy fatigue tips that will help and keep you feeling more energized throughout the day.

10 Pregnancy Energy Booster

1. Keep Your Blood Sugar Stable

10 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Fatigue - Keep your blood sugar stable

To help reduce pregnancy fatigue, try eating smaller, frequent meals instead of three large ones. This approach makes it easier for your body to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Simply divide those larger meals into six smaller portions or incorporate more high-quality, protein-rich snacks throughout the day. Protein helps boost your energy levels, keeping you more alert.

2. Stay Hydrated

10 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Fatigue - Stay hydrated

To combat pregnancy fatigue, staying hydrated is key during your body’s healing process. Try setting reminders with an app, keeping a glass of water by your bed, infusing water with fruits, or choosing herbal teas. You can also add electrolytes for an extra boost. Limit caffeine to 1-2 cups of coffee per day, and avoid energy drinks, as their high caffeine and chemical content can be unsafe during pregnancy.

3. Cold and Hot Showers 

10 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Fatigue - Cold and hot showers

Cold showers can be a great way to reduce pregnancy fatigue. Alternating between warm and cold water makes it more manageable, and there’s some interesting science behind it. Just a few minutes of cold water can boost your mood, relax your muscles, and strengthen your immune system. Plus, that refreshing feeling after a cold shower can leave you feeling energized!

4. Move Your Body Mindfully

10 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Fatigue - Move your body mindfully

Finding the right balance in exercise is essential for reducing pregnancy fatigue. Moving just enough will leave you feeling energized, but pushing yourself too hard can lead to exhaustion for the rest of the day. To maintain that balance, try activities like walking, swimming, or yoga—these are some of the best exercises during pregnancy for boosting energy without overdoing it.

5. Reduce Your To-Do-List 

10 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Fatigue - Reduce your to-do-list

If you’re mentally struggling with a sense of reduced productivity, this tip is for you! To help manage pregnancy fatigue, write down just three achievable tasks each day. Make sure they are realistic and doable. Once you complete them, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. Say goodbye to overwhelming, giant to-do lists and focus on what’s manageable!

6. Get Dressed

10 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Fatigue - Get dressed

Even if you’re working from home, taking the time to get dressed, brush your hair, and put on some mascara can make a big difference. In the midst of pregnancy fatigue, these small acts of self-care can help boost your mood and energy levels, making you feel more put-together and ready for the day. I promise, it will help you feel better!  

7. Check Your Hemoglobin (Iron Levels)

10 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Fatigue - Check your Hemoglobin (Iron Levels)

A low iron supply can lead to constant fatigue, which is quite common during pregnancy. To combat this, a useful pregnancy fatigue tip is to ensure you have enough iron, as your body needs to produce extra blood during pregnancy. Eating iron-rich foods or taking a whole food iron supplement can help prevent anemia and keep your energy levels up. Be sure to have your iron levels checked at your next prenatal appointment with your midwife or doctor.

8. Regular Prenatals

10 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Fatigue - Regular prenatals

Sometimes, other underlying issues can affect your fatigue levels. To reduce pregnancy fatigue, it’s important to have your Vitamin B12 and D levels checked, as well as your protein levels. These factors can significantly impact your energy. Regular prenatal appointments are essential for ruling out any medical conditions that might worsen your exhaustion.

9. Delegate Some Tasks

10 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Fatigue - Delegate some tasks

To reduce pregnancy fatigue, it’s helpful to simplify your tasks by focusing on what’s truly urgent and important. Use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize your tasks: handle the most critical ones, and for the other tasks in the remaining quadrants, either schedule them, delegate them to someone else, or delete them entirely. This approach can help you manage your workload more effectively and conserve your energy.

10 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Fatigue - The Eisenhower Matrix

10. Listen to your Body

10 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Fatigue - Listen to your body

Pay attention to your body’s cues and take ultradian healing breaks when needed to help reduce pregnancy fatigue. Taking these breaks unapologetically is crucial. Giving yourself grace during this time is not just important; it’s fundamental to managing your well-being.

To help you remember everything, I have a special gift for you! A downloadable PDF in my Mellow Mornings for Pregnancy package, which includes 15 break ideas and a 5-minute self-care morning routine to help you feel calm and energized.

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