10 Strange Changes During Pregnancy

10 Strange Changes During Pregnancy - Birth Bliss

Why does pregnancy cause such strange changes in your body?

Pregnancy can lead to some truly weird and unusual changes, from dark lines on your abdomen to intense vivid dreams. I’ll help you feel more prepared and less anxious about these changes by uncovering the secrets behind 10 strange changes that occur during pregnancy, so let’s dive in!  

1. The Dark Line on Your Tummy (Linea Nigra)

Strange Changes During Pregnancy - Linea Nigra or The Dark Line on your Tummy

Have you noticed a dark line running down your belly? This is called the linea nigra. During pregnancy, your body produces more melanin, leading to this pigmentation. It’s most noticeable from the second trimester onward. While it might look strange, it’s completely normal and usually fades after delivery.

2. Vivid Dreams

Strange Changes During Pregnancy - Vivid Dreams

Are your dreams more vivid and bizarre lately? Hormonal changes and heightened emotions during pregnancy can lead to more intense dreams. This is your brain’s way of processing the significant changes happening in your life. If you’ve noticed heightened emotions or mood swings recently, don’t worry—it’s a common part of pregnancy. 

Here’s a video that will give you 5 strategies to help balance those intense emotions.

3. Heightened Sense of Smell

Strange Changes During Pregnancy - Heightened Sense of Smell

Have you suddenly developed a strong sense of smell during pregnancy? Many pregnant women report being able to smell things from a mile away. This heightened sense of smell is due to hormonal changes, specifically the increase in estrogen levels, which can make certain odors more intense.  It’s also believed that the heightened sense of smell may help pregnant women be more careful about what foods they eat, ensuring they consume foods that are good for them.

4. Changes in Skin & Skin Pigmentation

Strange Changes During Pregnancy - Changes in skin & Skin Pigmentation

Did you know that about 90% of women notice skin changes during pregnancy? Have you ever been told you’re glowing? That pregnancy glow is real, thanks to increased oil production and better blood flow to your face. But what about those unexpected dark spots? This condition, called melasma or the mask of pregnancy, is caused by increased melanin, the same reason behind the darkening of the linea higra. To help minimize these changes, protecting your skin from the sun and using sunscreen is essential.

Additionally, this rise in melanin also causes the areola around your nipples to darken. Another common skin change is increased itchiness, particularly around your abdomen, breasts, and thighs. This happens due to hormonal shifts making your skin drier, along with increased blood flow and skin stretching. 

And let’s not forget stretch marks. Latest research suggests genetics play a significant role, along with the rate of belly growth and your skin’s health and elasticity. While you can’t change your genetics, you can support your skin by consuming high-quality fats and using pregnancy-safe belly oil. 

5. Hair and Nail Changes

Strange Changes During Pregnancy - Hair & Nail Changes

Are your hair and nails growing faster than ever? Along with all the other changes, pregnancy hormones can stimulate the growth of hair and nails. You might notice fuller, thicker hair on your head, and stronger nails.  Or the opposite could happen depending on your body’s response to the hormone surge.

6. Experiencing Bleeding Gums or Nosebleeds

Strange Changes During Pregnancy - Experiencing Bleeding Gums & Nosebleeds

Are your gums bleeding more easily when you brush your teeth during pregnancy? This is common due to increased blood volume, blood flow, and hormonal changes that make your gums more sensitive. Choosing super soft bristles for your toothbrush and regular dental appointments can help. 

The increased blood volume can also lead to more frequent nosebleeds and nasal congestion. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s normal. A remedy for nosebleeds is to apply a drop of lavender essential oil diluted with coconut oil across the bridge of your nose. For nasal congestion, put a drop of peppermint oil in your palms, cup them over your nose, and inhale the vapors to clear your airways. Both lavender and peppermint are safe for use during pregnancy. 

Check out this video for more information on using essential oils safely during pregnancy.

7. Having a weird taste in your mouth or more saliva

Strange Changes During Pregnancy - Having a weird taste in your mouth or more saliva

Have you ever experienced a strange bitter or metallic taste in your mouth, almost like you’ve been sucking on an old penny, or noticed an increase in saliva? This unusual symptom is primarily due to the big increase in estrogen levels during pregnancy. In fact, a woman will produce more estrogen during one pregnancy than throughout her entire life when not pregnant. So it’s a LOT! Chewing gum or sucking on lemon is the best way to manage this weird symptom.

8. Baby Brain

Strange Changes During Pregnancy - Baby Brain

Are you feeling more forgetful or distracted? Many expectant mothers experience daydreaming or increased absent-mindedness during pregnancy. This phenomenon, often called baby brain, has a scientific explanation. Researchers at the University of California discovered that women’s brains shrink by about 2-8% during pregnancy, leading to reduced concentration, memory lapses, and coordination issues. This occurs because the brain undergoes significant changes, with old neural networks being replaced by new, more efficient connections, a process known as increased brain plasticity.

While brain plasticity is most active in early childhood, it resurfaces during pregnancy to prepare the brain for motherhood. The exciting part is that these changes are permanent. Mothers benefit from improved spatial memory, adaptive thinking, and enhanced ability to read non-verbal cues. Therefore, baby brain equips women to be more sensitive, adaptable, and nurturing, transforming them into mothers.

9. Food Cravings and Aversions

Strange Changes During Pregnancy - Food Cravings & Aversions

Experiencing unusual cravings or finding certain foods unbearable during pregnancy? Hormonal changes and increased sensory sensitivity can lead to intense food cravings and aversions. These changes are your body’s way of signaling its nutritional needs and way of dealing with increased sensitivity to smells and tastes. In addition, research in Human Nature even suggests that food aversions might be nature’s way of protecting the fetus by discouraging the intake of potentially harmful foods.

10. Milk Production

Strange Changes During Pregnancy - Milk Production

During late pregnancy, your boobs begin producing colostrum, a precursor to milk. This milk might stay inside your breasts, or lead to lactation. Some pregnant women even experience leaking when they hear a baby cry—it’s all part of your body preparing for motherhood.

Now that you know the reasons behind these 10 strange curiosities of pregnancy, I hope you feel more prepared and less anxious about these changes.  Also remember that each pregnancy is different, so you might experience only some of these or even all of them! 

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